
Sharing despite what others might think

I’ve always wanted to share my thoughts. At the same time I’ve been way to concerned about what other people think. I’ve started countless blogs and web pages over the years. None of them has been able to stay around for long. I tend to start worrying what people might think, and then I close the page before anybody could find it.

I have tried two basic strategies:

Blogging under my own name. I haven’t been able to blog much this way, because if you I’m not going to wake any hard feelings about me in anybody, there’s almost nothing I can write.

Blogging anonymously. I do get some text out ther, but I can’t share pictures, I can’t link to my blog, as it blows the cover etc. It soon loose steam as nobody reads my blog.

At this point you might think that I must be blogging horrible things. But actually not. I mostly write about protecting the environment, family life, and everything related.

Then one day I saw the following YouTube video from Leo at

Now. I’ve often heard people saying that you shouldn’t care what people think of you. I always thought this sounded harsh. Doesn’t other people have value? Should I just ignore other people and push through my own agenda? Of course not. Leo’s video made me think more deeply about this. Other people are as valuable as ever. Even more so when you’re going down a new challenging path in life. However, people can’t always like what you do, and if they can’t live with you doing what’s important to you, then they should get out of your way and you should keep walking. People who love you will stick around and appreciate your success.

In the long run it’s extremely unhealthy to let other people get in your way. E.g. if you let your girlfriend decide that you must stay in a job you hate, because she is afraid of the consequences. This will surely get between you and put strain on the relationship. Now you have both a bad job and a bad relationship!

Back to my blog. All things considered, there’s only one way for me to share the word:

Blogging under my own name without caring what other people might think.

In the video above, Leo asks you to challenge yourself. This is my coffee-shop challenge equivalent. Write what I want, and then hit the publish button not caring if other people might not like it.

Now, I’m already thoughts about this is a silly blog post, and if I should skip publishing it.

I better go ahead and summon my twenty seconds of insane courage and hit that publish button!

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.