
New website

Once again I have decided to re-implement my blog. However, this time I decided to try something else than what I’ve tried the last 10 times or so. Instead of installing yet another WordPress blog, I decided to go for Jekyll. I’m hosting the site on GitHub Pages, so it’s a static page without any database or backend at all.

I was motivated to switch away because of a number of things. First of all, I want to write my posts in Markdown. I love to write Markdown! And yes, I do know that JetPack for WordPress comes with a Markdown plugin, but I never could get it to work on my site. The second motivation is financial. Hosting through GitHub pages is totally free. All I need to pay for now is my domain name. Thirdly, Jekyll is written in Ruby. I like things written in Ruby and I understand them better than most other things. Fourth motivation is related to security. Implementing SSL on my site proved to be a real and expensive hassle. Having a complete database-backed PHP-system running for a personal web page proved to be overkill, it basically provided me more headaches and security issues to consider than it brought me useful features.

I hope you like the site. I have imported all articles from my WordPress site.

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